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glade User interface builder for the GTK3+ toolkit
glib Some useful routines for C programming (glib1)
glib2 Some useful routines for C programming (glib2)
glib2-tools GLib2/gobject python-dependent tools
glibmm C++ bindings for glib (2.4 API)
glibmm2.68 C++ bindings for glib (2.68 API)
global Source code tag system including web browser output
gmake GNU version of 'make' utility
gmp Library for arbitrary precision arithmetic
gmtk Gnome-mplayer toolkit
gnatpython Python package used in Ada testsuites
gnome-common Generic M4 macros for GNOME development
gnustep-base GNUstep foundation classes
gnustep-examples Some GUI programming examples for GNUstep
gnustep-make GNUstep makefile package
gnustep-objc Objective-C runtime
gnustep-objc-lf2 Objective-C library required for libFoundation
go-check Rich testing for the Go language
go-ed25519 Ed25519 for Go
go-flags-svent Go command line option parser (svent fork)
go-gocode Autocompletion daemon for Go
go-golang-lru Golang LRU cache
go-gopkgs Tool to get the list of available Go packages
go-goptlib Library for writing Tor pluggable transports in Go
go-goreturns Formatting tool filling in return statements with zero values
go-gox Tool for go cross compilation
go-jwt-go Golang implementation of JSON Web Token
go-logrus Structured, pluggable logging for Go
go-nbreader Go library providing a non-blocking reader
go-protobuf Go support for Google protocol buffers
go-pty Go package for using unix pseudo-terminals
go-review Git Codereview plugin used by the Go project
go-siphash Go implementation of SipHash-2-4
go-sys Go packages for low-level interaction with the OS
go-tools Tools for use with Go, including godoc
go-wire Compile-time Dependency Injection for Go
go-xerrors Transition package for Go 1.13 error values
gob2 GNOME object builder for glib2
gobject-introspection GObject Introspection
golangci-lint Aggregator for Go linters
golint Linter for Go source files
google-glog Application Level Logging library for C++
googletest Google's C++ testing framework
gopls LSP server for Go editor integration
Gorm Graphical user interface builder for GNUstep
got Game of Trees version control system manipulating Git repo
gperf GNU perfect hash function generator
gperftools Fast, multi-threaded malloc() and nifty performance analysis tools
gprbuild-aux Adacore multi-language software build tool
gps GNAT Programming Studio - IDE for Ada and many other languages
gputils Collection of tools for Microchip's PIC micro-processors
gradle Groovy-based Java build system
grantlee String template engine in QT based on Django template system
grantlee-qt5 String template engine in QT5 based on Django template system
gsoap Tools for coding SOAP XML Web Services in C and C++
gst-plugins0.10-pango Open source multimedia framework - pango plugin
gst-plugins1-pango Open source multimedia framework - pango plugin
gtexinfo GNU info documentation utilities
gtl C++ graph data structure library based on the STL
guile-bytestructures Structured access to bytevector contents
guile-gcrypt Guile bindings for libgcrypt
guile-git Guile bindings of libgit2
guile-gnome Library to access gobject/glib/gtk and gnome from guile
guile-lib Library functions for Guile, implemented in Scheme
guile-slib SLIB glue files for guile
guile-www Guile WWW module
guile22-slib SLIB glue files for guile
gyp GYP can Generate Your Projects
happy Parser generator for Haskell
haskell-mode Haskell mode for Emacs
hdevtools Persistent GHC powered background server for FAST haskell dev tools
hdf NCSA Hierarchical Data Format
hdf5 Hierarchical Data Format (new generation)
hdf5-c++ Hierarchical Data Format (new generation) - C++ wrappers
heirloom-getopt Collection of standard Unix utilities (getopt)
heirloom-libcommon Collection of standard Unix utilities (libcommon)
heirloom-what Collection of standard Unix utilities (what)
hlint Haskell source code suggestions
hoe Rake extension to provide full project automation
honggfuzz Security oriented fuzzer based on code coverage
hptools SDK for Hewlett-Packard HP-48G/49G/39G/40G calculators
hs-ansi-terminal Simple ANSI terminal support for Haskell
hs-asn1-encoding ASN1 data reader and writer in RAW, BER and DER forms
hs-asn1-parse Simple monadic parser for ASN1 stream types
hs-asn1-types ASN.1 types
hs-assoc Symmetric and Semigroupy Bifunctors
hs-async Run IO operations asynchronously and wait for their results
hs-auto-update Efficiently run periodic, on-demand actions
hs-base-compat Compatibility layer for base
hs-base-compat-batteries Base library compatibility without cpp
hs-base-orphans Backwards-compatible orphan instances for base
hs-base-unicode-symbols Unicode alternatives for common functions and operators
hs-basement Foundation scrap box of array and string
hs-bitarray Mutable and immutable bit arrays
hs-blaze-builder Efficient buffered output
hs-bytestring-builder The new bytestring builder, packaged outside of GHC
hs-call-stack Use GHC call-stacks in a backward compatible way
hs-cereal Binary serialization library
hs-cmdargs Command line argument processing
hs-code-page Windows code page library for Haskell